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history books
Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Bryan Rigg, Author of 'Flamethrower--Iwo Jima Medal of Honor Recipient
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About: Dr. Bryan Mark Rigg, the Biographer of Woody Williams, the Last WWII Medal of Honor Recipient and author of FLAMETHROWER. Dr. Rigg is a recipient of the 2002 William E. Colby award for his work Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale earning honors in History; the university subsequently awarded him the Henry Fellowship to study at Cambridge University where he received his MA and PhD. Since then, he has written five acclaimed books on World War II and the Holocaust and his newest title, Conquering Learning Disabilities at Any Age.
Ishi Nobu -- Indpendent Scholar & Spiritual Guru
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About: About the author: Ishi Nobu is a brilliant independent scholar & guru who conveys his deep comprehension of Nature and reality. These efforts are displayed in his comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Nature, human endeavor, and spirituality. His previous books: The Red Pill: Mastering The Matrix; Clarity: The Path Inside; Unraveling Reality: Behind the Veil of Existence; and the 8-book Spokes of the Wheel cycle: The Science of Existence, The Web of Life, The Elements of Evolution, The Ecology of Humans, The Echoes of The Mind, The Fruits of Civilization, The Pathos of Politics, and The Hub of Being. Nobu is renowned for deliberate, incisive scholarship. He has the rare talent of drawing insights from m multiple disciplines and weaving them into a revealing consilience.
David Blixt -- Shakespeare Expert, Author of Historical Fiction,
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About: Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire (the COLOSSUS series, his play EVE OF IDES) to early Renaissance Italy (the STAR-CROSS’D series) up through the Elizabethan era (his delightful espionage comedy HER MAJESTY’S WILL, starring Will Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe as hapless spies). His novels combine a love of the theatre with a deep respect for the quirks and passions of history.
Michael B. Butler, Author of 'Round the World & Across Russia in 21 Days, 30 Years Later.'
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About: The ‘1st Annual Around the World Air Rally’ was the first western or civilian group of general aviation aircraft to circumnavigate while crossing the entire landmass of Russia, but that is only part of the story. Our group was under protection of one of the highest officials, Vice President Rutskoi, in an effort to create updated cultural and business ties between old enemies and new friends. Five days in Moscow and across Siberia we carried the highest authority in our back pocket... but sometimes in some places that was not enough...
Doyle Glass -- History to Life
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About: Doyle Glass is an author, historian, and sculptor dedicated to honoring those who fought for freedom. He is a master at recounting true stories of brave men and women who were outnumbered and out-gunned but continued to battle toe-to-toe with ferocious opponents in war. His first book, Lions of Medina, gives a firsthand account of the sacrifices made by the Marines of Charlie Company during Vietnam. His second book, Swift Sword, chronicles the gut-wrenching story of valiant Marines in Vietnam who endured a horrific firefight isolated on a lone knoll in the Queson Valley. Coming in 2023, Benoist’s War will reveal the harrowing story of Robert Benoist, a famous French Grand Prix World champion in the 1920s and Le Mans race winner in the 1930s, who risked everything as a British secret agent to help rid France of the Nazi occupation during WWII.
Bevis Longstreth -- Author of 'Chains Across the River- A Novel of the American Revolution'
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About: About Bevis Longstreth: Bevis Longstreth is the author of four historical novels: Spindle and Bow, Return of the Shade, Boats Against the Current, and Chains Across the River. He combines his passion for history with a unique, contemporary perspective. Mr. Longstreth is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. He practiced law in the New York City law firm of Debevoise & Plimpton, becoming a partner in 1970. From 1981-84 he served as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission. After returning to Debevoise & Plimpton in 1984, he retired from the practice of law in 1993 to teach at Columbia Law School and pursue other interests, among which was writing. He lives in Manhattan, New York with his wife, Clara, and their dog, McKenzie. They have three children a...
Kenneth James Moore
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About: Kenneth James Moore was born in 1949 in Tacoma, Washington. He graduated from Arizona State University and continued his education as a graduate student at Georgetown University. Political science and international relations were his calling. Mentored by a former professor who was a Cold War counter-intelligence officer, Ken spent a year long stint as a volunteer alongside Admiral Bobby Inman, the Director of the National Security Agency during its reconstruction phase. Ken and his wife Patricia moved to Southern California, where Ken worked at Beverly Hills Securities as a commercial loan officer. He quickly moved to the investment banking side of the house and was able to retire at 45. In 1994, Ken was the victim of a horrific automobile accident. Rehabilitation consumed every moment ...

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